Saturday, February 5, 2022


 Bison are an american icon. They are enormous in size. Also, we can add a staple of native peoples for thousands of years.

Bison, Grand Teton

Thursday, February 3, 2022

gig economy

 Pandemics are really bad for workers in a gig economy. There is a lot of work and they do not feel so secure. Making a living is not easy. Look at all the work they do and how little they can earn. Frankly, it feels like a type of semi-slavery, the modern version.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022


 Buying a home was never easy. That said, a lot of people work very hard, but do not have enough money. Many believe that our times were never worse. Yeah, we seem to finally agree. It really is a new era. Expect to see high taxes as well as low wages. People are getting even poorer. Well, with inflation it feels like we make more. Reality is that we are making less money.
